[We Can
Fix Every

Social sustaainability is about identifying and managing both inter-personal and business impact, both positive and negative, on the planet and inhabitants. The quality of an industry’s relationships and engagement with its stakeholder is critical. Who are these stakeholders if not everyone?

Skylab was the United States’ first space station-and much more. Major operations included an orbital workshop, a solar observatory, Earth observation and hundreds of experiments.

It provided a laboratory where materials processing occurred beyond the reach of gravity...


We have come to idolize sciences so much that people take whatever new study or discovery that comes out as a belief and lose their eye to other possibilities. I think it's not what the true intent of science should be. At a time when the world seems more perplexing than ever, understanding the laws and origins of the universe can give us some much-needed perspective.

In my opinion, the finest accomplishment of Skylab was the demonstration of the uniqueness of man in space in solving problems and overcoming obstacles in the face of extreme adversity. Shortly after liftoff of the unmanned Skylab space station, serious problems developed starting with the loss of the micrometeorite shield, which resulted in a total loss of heat balance in the workshop and a substantial loss in the solar power generation system. Facing what could have been a total loss of our first space station, the Skylab team-both the flightcrews and the thousands of engineers, technicians, and support personnel on the ground- converted these awe-inspiring challenges to opportunities that demonstrated man's role in space far beyond the most ambitious dreams of most space planners.

The legacy of the Skylab program to be passed on to planners and operators of future manned space programs is best stated in two words:

"Can do! "

The idea of publishing this publication is to offer in recognition to those dedicated thousands who contributed their skill and knowledge to the success of Skylab. The wealth of information obtained during man's longest journey into space has provided the answers to many questions, as well as revealing new questions and knowledge, about the Sun, the Earth, space, and man himself.

The biggest challenge of this project is how to handle mass information in order to be educated and informative to our audiences. And an unsuspected breakdown in information sharing emerged happened when differences in implementations of shared symbols were not recognized or implications of relevant information were not shared.

So I decided on using 5 column grid system and consistent footnotes and caption system to merge all the text information and images in order to make audiences have a picture in mind while reading through the article.

I also created a poster series in order to promote the publication in bookstores and anyplace, meanwhile, getting audiences a visual to understand what the publication is about.

(full publication)

︎︎︎  yang.emma88@gmail.com        ︎︎︎  +1.626.864.0417        ©2024 EMMA YANG